are the little ridges on the tips of your fingers. These are folds of the outer
layer of skin, the epidermis. The “prints” are the patterns of skin oils or
dirt of these ridges leave behind on touching a surface.
became a popular form of bio-metrics because they are easy to access, classify
and sort. Fingerprints are Unique and Permanent, this quality of fingerprint make it an infallible
means of personal identification, because the ridge arrangement on every finger
of every human being is unique and does not alter with growth or age.
You might be wondering the EFFECT OF INJURIES ON FINGERPRINT
boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife might leave you but your fingerprint will
was only in 2015 that a long-term study showed that fingerprints are stable over
a person’s lifetime. The ridges of a fingerprint are visible on the skin’s
surface layer, but the pattern is actually “encoded” below that. Even if you
have a major skin injury, your prints will come back when the outer layer heals
– though you might have a scar, too.
such as superficial burns, abrasions, or cuts do not affect the ridge structure
or alter the dermal papillae, and the original pattern is duplicated in any new
skin that grows. This characteristics of fingerprint (unique and permanent) was
described by Henry Faulds and William James Herschel. Their observations were
experimentally verified by the English scientist Sir Francis Galton, who
suggested the first elementary system for classifying fingerprints based on
grouping the patterns into arches, loops, and whorls.
in some cases, damage to a fingertip extends deeply into the skin’s generating
layer, resulting in permanent changes to the fingerprint. Experts note- the
scar produced – be it from a burn or a cut – can itself become permanently
encoded into the fingerprint pattern.
is unique in their own way”, well fingerprint have sworn to this phase. You
will believe this statement.
a one in 64 billion chance that your fingerprint will match up exactly with
someone else's, isn’t it amazing?
are more unique than DNA, the genetic material in each of our cells. Although
identical twins can share the same DNA or at least most of it but they can't
have the same fingerprints. No two people end up with exactly the same
fingerprints, even identical twins.
Fingerprints began to form before birth. When
a fetus starts to grow, the outside layer of its skin is smooth. But after
about 10 weeks (more than 2 month), a deeper layer of skin, called the basal
layer, starts growing faster than the layers above it, which makes it “buckle”
and fold. The expanding lower layer ends up scrunched and bunched beneath the
outside layer.
folds eventually cause the surface layers of the skin to fold too, and by the
time a fetus is 17 weeks old (more than 4 month)– about halfway through a
pregnancy – its fingerprints are set.
folding process might sound random, the overall size and shape of fingerprints
are influenced by the genes you get from your parents. So you probably share
some fingerprint patterns with your family members. But the details of your
fingerprints are influenced by many other factors besides genes. For example,
the shape and size of the blood vessels in your skin, how fast the different
layers of skin are growing, and the chemical environment inside the womb all play
a part.
The given information have been taken from different sources/sites. I have tried to compile all the information in a unique way so as to awake your interest in this topic. You must know that generally fingerprint last forever but remember science always have exceptions.
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Nice post. Very informative